Mainframe Applications

Here we refer to the various end user application system that are hosted on mainframe computers. As pointed out earlier, mainframes are only suitable for large organizations like banks, hospitals, insureance compannies, government establishments and other big public and private organizations. This implies that such large organizations host their application on mainframes as they’re guaranteed of data security. More so, mainframes have the capability to proccess bulk data very effeciently.

These organizations host such applications as:
  • Customer order 
  • Proccessing financial transaction 
  • Production and inventory control 
  • Payroll and numerous other type of work 
But in extension, in the modern time, almost everyone uses mainframes. Have you ever used an automated teller machine (ATM)? Then, you are one of the end user of mainframe computers. But we hardly install these machines in our houses or small business places. It is in this respect we say they are applicable to larg firms.

Mainframe computers play significant role in day to day operatiion of large corperation. Though other forms of computing are used in various capacities of business in the modern time, the mainframe is still the most widely used in the e-busines environment. Mainframes were still the only recoganized and accepted means of handling the data proccessing requirments of large and complex programs til the mid 90s. This is to a large extent because of it’s reliability and stability. Imagine that for fifty years of its invention it has no been faced out.

Computer Terminal

In a simple language, a computer terminal is like a workstation. By definition a computer terminal is an electronoc hardware used to input and display data from a computing system. Let’s just say the process of housing data. So the specific function of s terminal is to input and display data.

Terminal Emulation

Now, some computers can be made to copy or do the work of terminals. This is called termonal emulation. By definition terminal emulation means making a given computer seem like an actual terminal or client computer networked to a server or mainframe. In the modern time, this is often carried out by means of software to access data or programs on the server or mainframe, which are normally only available to the terminal being emulated. Some examples of terminal emulattors are: VT220, VT 52 VT 100 DATA General D211, Wyse 50/60, window, Mac os x, Linux, IMB 3270 display terminal.

Mainframe application development

When it comes to mainframe app development, micro focus has tools that one can leverage from. Micro focus enterprise developer provides tools which can be use for editing, compiling, debugging, and running mainframe applications.
  • Enterprise developer for z system: This is a tool for maintenance and modernization of z system application. Below are the functions of this tool:
  • Build application with or without an active mainframe connection. 
  • Stand up a working environment in days.
  • Develop composite COBOL and java using IDE
  • Directly integrate into mainframe source control system from current development tools.
  • Map your mainframe build process into your IDE.

Programming Language for mainframe application

Programs are written in a computer language and then coded into machine language for the computer to process. A computer language refers to the way in which the human communicates with the computer. The human must speak the language the computer understands for the language to be processed. The language of computer is bit and bytes. Now what element is involved in programming computer language?

It is impossible to talk about computer programming language without the mention of COBOL, an acronym for common business oriented language. Cobol was introduced in 1959 and is the earliest computer language programming application. It is an ordered English-like PC programming language intended for business use. It is basic, procedural and, since 2002, object-situated. COBOL is basically used as a part of business, account, and managerial frameworks for organizations and governments. COBOL is still broadly used as a part of legacy applications conveyed on mainframe computer like vast scale batch and financial institutions. Due to the fact that it is losing its popularity, coupled with the retirement of experienced COBOL developers, programs are being relocated to new evolutions, adapted into modern languages or replaced with programming soft wares. Most programming in COBOL is presently simply to keep up existing applications.

A List of Mainframe programming Languages in order of generation

  • Machine language: This is the first generation language programmer.
  • Assembler: Is in the second generation category. It is uses memory to present the instruction which is to be later translated into machine language. This translation work is done by an assembler program.
  • Procedural language: This is a 3rd generation language program. It is also known as high level language. Examples are pascal, FORTRN, Algol, COBOL, 
  • Non procedural language: It is also called 4GL, of 4th generation. It has specific functions in the application of data base such as reporting generators, queries like RPG, CSP, QMF

Dilip Tharuka

hi guys

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